Your Appointment

operating room where endocrine and general surgical procedures are performed

“Each patient is unique to us:
Our patient-centered approach helps you make informed decisions that are right for you.”

Your Appointment

Your first visit

After you book your first consultation with Dr Sze Ling Wong, use this handy checklist to help you prepare for a smooth-flowing and successful experience.

What to bring

  • Referral letter from your GP or Specialist.
  • Cards – Medicare, private health insurance, and pension cards if any.
  • Results – Blood tests, ultrasound, CT scans and any other relevant information
  • A list of your medical history, medications, and allergies. 
  • Questions – Write down any questions you want to ask.
Consultant fees

As this is a private practice, fees are not fully covered by Medicare or private insurance rebates. 

  • When you make your first appointment, you will be informed of the payable fee.
  • Pension card holders, DCA, andTAC patients may receive discounted rates. 
  • Approved WorkCover accounts are invoiced directly to the third party. 
  • Fees are payable on the day of consultation through cash or EFTPOS (debit/credit cards).  

Telephone the office during business hours. Please provide at least 1 day’s notice for cancellation so that we can offer your appointment time to patients on our waiting list. 

We recognise that your time is valuable, and we make every effort to run on time. Occasionally emergencies or patients require a little more time, can cause scheduling delays beyond our control. We apologise if we keep you waiting.


Wexford Medical Centre
Suite 78, Level 5
3 Barry Marshall Parade
Murdoch WA 6150
T: (08) 6266 6974 (*managed by Precision Anesthesia)
F: (08) 9200 5799 E:
HealthLink: szelwong

Suite 6 & 7, Level 1
1 Clayton Street
Midland WA 6056
T: (08) 6) 6266 6974 (*managed by Precision Anesthesia)
F: (08) 9200 5799 E:
HealthLink: szelwong


We accept referrals for all aspects of endocrine and general surgery (both elective and emergency cases). 

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